
Social Skills
at Home to
Support Your
Child at School

For over 30 years, Patricia Hunter McGrath has worked with children under six years old in schools across the US and abroad.

Throughout the years, some of the most significant topics of concern among parents continue to be: is my child making friends; and, does my child have good social skills while at school.

We want to support children and families in the classroom and at home, and that’s why we’ve developed this course for parents. We want to help parents by providing tried and tested skills and techniques to support your child’s social development at home.

Many of the techniques used at Branches Atelier with our preschool and kindergarten children can translate into strategies parents can introduce at home to help children develop strong social skills. Help your child develop emotional literacy skills that will support their development as they grow into amazing human beings who can connect with their friends, families, and neighbors.

“Patricia and the Branches staff have been such an amazing and critical part in my transition into mothering toddlers and school-aged children.”

-Ellen Davis, Parent

Social Skills Course

During this 15-part video course, we will share social skills you can

develop at home to support your child at school.



1. How to support your child in developing tenacity and self-control

2. Authentic and meaningful conversations with children

3. Language to support and expand emotional literacy

4. Playing games at home to support socialization at school

5. It’s not fair to share

6. Praise vs. Encouragement – How encouragement develops self-esteem and tenacity

7. Strategies and ideas to develop flexibility

8. Tried and tested conversation starters to help you have deeper conversations with your child

9. Problem-solving

10. How self-help skills support and develop self-esteem

11. Role switching – the power of flexible play

12. Creating family agreements – a tool to nurture a connected family

13. Building bonds through family dinner rituals

14. Introduction to resources and closing thoughts

“Patricia has always been present to answer my parenting questions and calm my worries about my children’s emotional and mental well-being/development…Patricia, along with other Branches staff…have helped form my mindset on how to help my children grow confident and resilient…For instance, they have taught me to use positive reinforcement as opposed to empty praises for a task accomplished or skill mastered: Instead of saying, ‘great job,’ which can lead to my child avoiding more challenging

tasks for fear of failure, they have taught me to acknowledge the process by which my children accomplish challenges. I have learned that by reinforcing the concepts of experience, practice, and mistakes, I can nudge my children—on a daily basis—to become more confident and resilient individuals, ready and eager to take on new challenges.”

-Salomé R.


A curated list of children’s books that deal with their social skills

A curated list of adult books that deal with children’s social skills

A practical list of literacy language options

A great list of conversation starter questions to share with your child

A list of great family games to help build social skills in your children

Learn how to support and develop your child’s emotional literacy at home.

“Patricia taught us to create space for the process of childhood. Allowing each child to explore, create and learn.”

-Dr. Lori Baudino



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© Branches Atelier Institute 2022 – All rights reserved.