Preparing You and Your Child for Preschool or Kindergarten

A 6-point plan for preparing you and your child

for Preschool or Kindergarten.



1. Reflect

How you feel about your child going to school and your own preschool experiences as a young child can seriously impact your child’s introduction and transition into school.

With that in mind, we have strategies, tools, and ideas to help you work through some of these feelings before the first day of school.

2. Reframe

The language we often hear regarding a child starting school can create increased worry.

Parents are often concerned about separation anxiety.

We have found that genuine separation anxiety is not so common with proper preparation. Learn how to use language to reframe your child’s transition into school.

3. Prepare

Prepare your child in advance to ease their transition into school.

Use our carefully selected tools and techniques to support your child in getting ready for school. Learn how “wonder” questions can create openings for conversations with your child.

4. Practice

While the lunch box may look cool or have a favorite character on it, more often than not, many lunch boxes are not child-friendly and are poorly designed. Learn what kinds of lunch boxes work best to support your child’s independence and self-help skills with our “Ten Tips for a Good Lunch Box,” and which ones to avoid.

Learn what child-tested, teacher-approved belongings will work best for your child; and, most importantly, set aside time with your child to practice.

5. Empower

Explore many different ways to support your child’s self-help skills. Empowering your child to master school self-help skills will create a strong foundation for success at school. Learn how to support and empower your child before they start school.

6. Personalize

Come up with a personalized drop-off and pick-up plan for your child.

A customized plan can be a powerful tool to help your child feel comfortable coming to school and preparing to go home.

“One important thing I learned…was to allow and encourage my children to wonder about something they are curious about, rather than to

swoop right in to ‘teach’ them the facts or give them the answer… Listening to our kids’ wonderings is also a great window into their brains, and helps us to see and hear what they know, how they understand the world, and how they think and process.”

-Soraya K., Parent


A reflection tool for supporting parents in preparing themselves and their child to transition to school.

Child-approved lunch ideas that are easy to prepare and can inspire you to create a variety of colorful and healthy lunch options for your child at school.

A curated list of lunch box options and tips to consider when choosing a lunch box for your child’s time at school

A list of various options your family can use to label your child’s school supplies, lunch boxes, or clothing

A curated list of books for parents and children to support emotional readiness for school and specific topics discussed in our course.

Wondering questions to support authentic conversations with children about transitioning to a new school.

A book template for parents and children to create together to support children in getting comfortable with their transition to school.

Articles to support parents and children in their transition to school.

Parents can be better learners and teachers for their children simply by attending the lectures and parent education nights that Patricia offers.

-Andrea Poulton, Parent



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